DyeTechs 6115 | Technical Bulletins | SDS
A highly reactive cationic polyamine polymer recommended for the fixation of indigo, sulfur, direct and fiber reactive dyes. This is a unique polymer that delivers very high performance.
DyeTechs 6115 LS | Techincal Bulletins | SDS
A highly reactive cationic polyamine polymer recommended for the fixation of indigo, sulfur, direct and fiber reactive dyes. This is a unique polymer that delivers very high performance.
DyeTechs 6140 | Technical Bulletins | SDS
A high purity cationic polyamine exclusively recommended for the fixation of fiber reactive dyes on high end fabrics.
DyeTechs 6150 | Technical Bulletins | SDS
A unique cationic acrylic polymer formulated for use as a cationizing pre-treatment and fixative for dyeing cotton and synthetic fabrics / garments with pigments or sulfur dyes.
DyeTechs 6151 | Techincal Bulletins | SDS
A nonionic soft hand acrylic polymer for use as a binder in the pigment dyeing process. In conjunction with DyeTechs 6115 it creates excellent bonding between substrate and colors.
DyeTechs 6155 | SDS
A concentrated cationic polymer for use as a cationizing agent on cotton and cotton/polyester substrates for direct, pigment, fiber reactive, indigo and sulfur dyeing. The product may be applied in fiber, yarn, textile and garment dyeing applications. DyeTechs 6155 eliminates the need for salt in reactive direct dyeing. Special effects such as tone on tone can be easily achieved when using DyeTechs 6155.